Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hermann Park

This morning, Collin and his buddies, Addison, Matthew and Melia, met at Hermann Park by the reflecting pool to get the kids outside and so the mommies could catch up. It was nice to not have to worry about the hurricane for awhile and for Collin to roam around without having to worry about him messing up/breaking anything at Hotel Cardone (what we call the house we are staying at while we wait for power...yep, still without it). As soon as we spread the blankets out and laid out the snacks and toys, the kids started to explore. They were busy checking out each other, each other's snacks and mommies. There were not really any shy moments because these guys have gotten together several times. Since all of the kids but Collin can walk, I was surprised to see that they were not interested in walking off the blankets to explore the rest of the park. Actually, that's what eventually happened when they got bored with what was on the blankets. Matthew was busy eating the rocks, Addison wanted to push the strollers and Collin was being the monkey by crawling on one stroller to then crawl to the other stroller to stand up (that's what he is doing in this picture).

All of the kids eventually joined Matthew by the rocks. to either walk around or sit on the benches. We got some great pictures of the kids hanging out. Of course, there was not one time that they were all looking forward (thanks Collin), sitting down or had their eyes open. Still really cute though.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Hee hee.. In the bench photos Matthew looks like Nick Nolte or Gary Busey: