Thursday, July 31, 2008

"Let me do it"

This evening, Collin and I went for a walk and then ended up at the park to swing and play a little before dinner. Collin usually lets me push him in the swing and really has a good time with it. Tonight though, I stood to the side of the swing and noticed that he was rocking back and forth to help me keep the swing going. I stopped pushing him and he continued to rock in the swing. Wow! He had a huge smile on his face while doing it. As he was swinging, there was a little girl that stopped by and had a little puppy in his arms. Collin started to "yell" at the dog in excitement. He immediately wanted out of the swing so he could pet the dog. His way of petting is to grab the dog's hair though and I am sure that is not pleasant for the dog. Anyway, he watched the dog a little before we headed back to the house.

Something else Collin has started to do which we need to break before it's a habit is his way of letting us know that he is finished eating. Usually when he is full, he turns his head to the right or left with his mouth closed so we cannot get the spoon in his mouth. If we try again and he still turns his head away, then we are finished with the solids. Well, in the last few days, Collin's figured out that blowing the food on the spoon as it's going into his mouth makes a funny noise and it's much more fun to do this to tell us he is finished instead of turning his head. We try really hard not to laugh because we don't want to encourage it but he thinks it's so funny and really gets tickled about it. We will try one more spoonful before giving up and he does it again. Sometimes, he blows so hard that the food gets all over his face and on our hands and clothes. I sure do hope this is temporary. Wish us luck.....and beware if it's your turn to feed him.

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