Sunday, July 6, 2008

Backyard Fun!!!

Today, Collin got to run errands with both mommy and daddy. He ran a few errands with daddy, before I picked him up to run an errand. We met Mimi at Babies R Us near her house and then had lunch. Collin needed a nap after that, so we went back home. He slept while I started making his food for the next two weeks. We then left to meet daddy again for another errand before the fun began at Addison's house. The kids played together with Addison's toys. She would show him her new toy, Collin would start playing with it and then she would move on to another toy. He was having fun because she has toys that he does not have so he was not quickly bored with him. She was also demonstrating her new skills....standing from a squatting position or pulling up to stand and then letting go briefly to what she was holding on to. I was impressed but Collin did not seem to notice.

We then moved outside to the backyard to play in Addison's pool. I had fun watching Collin crawl in the grass because he does not do this too much. He usually is not interested in crawling in the grass but he did not seem too bothered by it today. He was focused on Addison splashing water in her pool. He quickly crawled over to the edge to join her.

The kids had a lot of fun splashing in the water and also watching Lexi (Addison's dog) play catch. Neither one seemed too interested about getting into the water. Addison finally got in and started splashing again while Collin stayed along the edge. By this time, both Kristin and I were soaked, at least our legs were from all of the splashing. I tried to see if Collin wanted to get in but he was content were he was.
I know Collin had a lot of fun because by the time we got home and he ate dinner, he was ready for bed 1 1/2 hours before his usual time of 8pm ish. I was not ready for that. I hope this does not mean that he will get up 1 1/2 hours before his usual time. It will be daddy's morning with Collin if he does....hehehe.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Pool Party! Fun Fun Fun!