Monday, October 6, 2014

Fall = Sports....and More Sports

With Collin enrolled in football and two soccer teams, there is not much time to do anything else....but we enjoy it.

Saturday, I raced in the Race for the Cure for breast cancer.  I ran with the boutique hospital where I went for my mastectomy and reconstruction.  I was torn though because I was missing Collin's football game where I knew he would be playing Running Back and Wide Out.  He FINALLY was fine with running with the ball and really liked it.  Anyway, his game started at 9am and I knew I would finish the run around 9:30am.  I finished the 5K run and then ran to the car to make it to the game and see him make two plays that won the game for the team.  He pulled a flag the first time and then made the other team's Running Back run out of bounds.  I am glad I did see the last play because he was so excited to tell me about it and knew that I saw him do it.

We left that game to go to his soccer game with the Thunder.  They played a GREAT game.  They won 5-1.  These boys play well together because they pass and call out to each other. 

After the game, we went to lunch and then Collin went to Elliot's birthday party.  Elliot is one of his friends at school.  The party was at a local Tae Kwon Do place.  Collin followed directions from the Master and really had a great time.  So much so that he asked to sign up for classes.  Now, remember, he did take Tae Kwon Do and hated it.  He even asked Daddy to not pay for it anymore because he was wasting his money. 

We got up early Sunday, stopped by a donut place and then went to Grandma H's house to continue to go through her things and clean it out.  Collin did a great job go through his room at her house sorting through toys.  He even made a "Timmy and Leah" pile.  He did get bored and found a large ball of yarn.  He made a maze through the entire house by unraveling it as he walked around.  Here is a picture of the yarn around the couch.  It's hard to see it but the entire house looked like this.  Hey, he was occupied and having fun.  This bought me an additional 45 minutes of going through the drawers in her room.

After lunch, we went to Collin's other soccer game.  They lost mainly because they were not playing as a team, calling out to each other and passing like his other soccer team does.  At least I remembered to bring the camera and get a few shots of him in action.  He is in white.

Collin is chasing after Carson

Still chasing after Carson but catching up

Carson and Collin at is again

Collin's turn to get the ball
After the game, we went to have his team pictures taken for his other soccer team, Thunder.  It was a beautiful and VERY sunny day.  After the individual pictures, the boys lost focus walking over to take the team picture.

We went back to Grandma H's house so Aunt Lisa and the family could stop by and see if there was anything they wanted for their house.  Aunt Lisa was really surprised at the amount of books, wall pictures, towels, sheets and kitchen things she liked and wanted.  While we were looking around, the kids played well together.  Leah wanted to insert herself a few times which aggravated the boys. Eventually, they did all get along without too much fussing.  Tyson did great and loved being held by all of us. 
Leah, Collin and Tyson
We came home close to 8pm and I was asleep in an hour.  We did A LOT this weekend but did it together as a family making great memories.

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