Sunday, October 12, 2014

Being Creative and Entertaining Himself

We have been busy on the weekends between sports games or practices going through things at Grandma H's house and getting ready for a garage sale.  We generally spend over 3 hours at a time because there is a lot to go through.  Collin has been there with us all of these times.  He did go through his room and decide which toys to bring home which was all of them. That only took 20 minutes....and then he was bored.  He thinks it's like when we are home and hopes one of us can play with him.  We explain what we are doing and that we are not playing or relaxing either. 

He has done well trying to entertain himself.  He has watched movies, read or played with some of the toys. He has also gotten creative and made a yarn maze (see previous post), colored or played with the Play Doh.  This morning, he spent some time designing and making a rainbow, cloud and pot of gold.  He explained the blue dots are gold because he did not have gold Play Doh. 

I love the details on the cloud.

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