Wednesday, August 20, 2014

He's 7 Years Old

Collin is 7 today.  FINALLY, he really is 7 even though he has been telling people for a month that he is. 

This morning, I had to leave before the boys woke up.  Mainly because they have been sleeping in while they can before school started.  I set up some balloons around his chair where he eats breakfast and made him a sign saying "Happy Birthday Collin" that I taped to the back of the chair.  I also laid out a birthday hat for him to wear if he wanted it.  Daddy said that he really liked the balloons but you cannot tell from the picture.

He did call me in the morning to tell me that he loved me and hoped that I had a good day.

When I got home, I was ready for us to have pizza and the chocolate cup cake he said he wanted to have.  Change of plans.  He wanted to go to the new Chili's and have a hamburger.  "I love their hamburgers so I want to eat there for my birthday.  Why are they called "hamburgers" anyway?  There is not ham in there.  I am going to call them burgers.  Can we go to Chili's to eat a burger?"

We stopped by to see Grandma H first and open his presents from us (lightening machine), Aunt Nancy (the children's version of The Story and $$), Layla from my work (a board game focused around dog poop...well, that will be a hit), Mimi (small toy sharks) and Grandma H (remote controlled car and several books aimed at his reading level).  Grandma H was happy to see us and said that she had looked forward to this moment all day.

The Doggie Doo Game

Collin holding the sharks Mimi got him

Here he is with the remote controlled car

Grandma H watching Collin open his presents

Then, we left to have dinner at Chili's.  Collin did get his burger.  While there, we let the waiter know that it was Collin's birthday.  He had no idea what was waiting for him after we finished our meal.  When the time came, all of the wait staff came over to sign Happy Birthday to him.  He was not sure about this and huddled close next to Mimi.  "That really scared me!" as you can probably tell from the video.

When we got home, we gave him his big present which was a new, bigger bike.  He did not seem excited about it at first but then was all smiles when we asked him again about it and took pictures.  Here he is first seeing the bike.  He is carrying the lighting machine with him.  I think he was really focused trying to get the machine out of the book and did not think about or process that he just got a new bike.

Daddy also got a new bike.  Look at the happy boys!
He's growing up!  Happy Birthday Collin!!!

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