Friday, August 22, 2014

1st Grade!!

Collin is indifferent about school starting next Monday.  "Why does everyone ask me if I am excited about school starting?"  I asked, "Well, are you excited?"  Collin then replied, "See!  You are doing it too!"  We were going to get anywhere.  Because he played sports and kept up with his good friends over the summer, he probably did not ask about when school was starting again because he did not need to go back just to see his friends.

This morning was "Meet the Teacher".  This is when you get to meet the teacher, sign up to volunteer for classroom activities, fill out paperwork and see where your child sits.  Collin's teacher for 1st Grade is Ms Davis.  She just moved from San Fran, CA six months ago and seems to be nice but could have a firm touch to her teaching.  She is very personable which I liked.

When we walked in, we found Collin's assigned spot right away.  He is at the table right by the door.  He knows at least Meredith from Pre-K at his table.  Otherwise, we did not recognize the three other names.  Collin was excited to see that Brody sits diagonal from him at the next table over and Kyan is at the table behind him.  Oh no Ms Davis!  I am sure she will quickly find out that these guys are buddies and either move them or have to keep an eye on them.  We stayed for about 30 mintues so Collin could hang out with his buddies and for us to meet the parents.

I am looking forward to a good school year.

Oh, the final assessment from the tutor is that Collin is where he needs to be for entering 1st Grade. She wrote:
Reading - Level 6 - Where he should be entering 1st Grade
Writing - good job
Math - right on target
A pleasure to work with!  Carol A

He just lacks coinfidence.  That's the same thing we heard last year. 

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