Thursday, May 8, 2014

Watching the News is Fun!

Collin was getting dressed for school this morning and watching the news station that was on.  They were showing a shark biting the side of an inflatable large boat.  The people on board were taking pictures and videos of this.  "Is this real?"  I told him it was.  Then, they talked about a guy driving his car through Police tape because he was distraught after learning his son was killed.  "Why is he doing that?  This is real too?"  I told him it was and to continue to get dressed.  I walked back to my room to get dressed and Collin came back to tell me that it was going to rain today (he must have seen the weather as well) and that this was OK with him because our plants needed the water and would be happy after the rain.  "Mommy, watching the news is really fun because it's real and you find out things."  Very true Collin....however, I don't think he will be giving up watching his cartoons anytime soon.

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