Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Silver Bracket Champs!!!!

The Lugnuts did it!!!!  They boys won the championship game 16 - 1.  Again, the boys surprised all of us.  We knew they had been improving so much.  However, we did not expect that the boys would win by such a large margin.  They did fantastic.  There were at least three double plays both on first and second.  Their hitting was just as good as the last several games.  The boys that did not hit as much in the beginning were hitting consistently. 

After the game, the other team gave all of the boys a sucker and congratulated them on their win.  Then, the coach presented a trophy to each of the boys before taking a serious and then fun team picture. 
Congratulating the Owls on a good game

The boys before their trophy.....and cookies!

Collin excited about his trophy

Very excited about the win.....and the trophy

Proud parents
Collin wanted a picture with Clayton and then with us.

Collin and Clayton

After the game, Collin asked if we could eat ice cream "at that place that I really like" but could not further describe the ice cream place.  We ate at a local pasta place knowing that there was an ice place a few doors down.  When we walked into the ice cream store, Collin let us know that this was not the one he was thinking of...but was fine to eat the chocolate ice cream with gummy bears on top. 

He carried his trophy to into the restaurant, sat it on the table and brought it to the ice cream place.  In the car, he sat it on his lap and then took it to his room when we got home.  He then counted his trophies...he has 9 already.  He then said he did not have one for swimming but knew he would get one after swim team was over. 

When was tucking him into bed later, we talked about the game and his day.  Only at this point did he realize that he would not be playing baseball with his Lugnut team mates again.  Well, he could play with some of the boys next season but not everyone on the team.  He did not like this answer and I could see his lower lip begin to quiver.  "Will I be able to play baseball with Ford again?  What about William?"  I explained that he could be on their team again and, in the meantime, we could get together with both of those boys and others to play baseball for fun.  He seemed to like that and asked other questions...that I don't remember at this point.  ;)

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