Sunday, February 23, 2014

Collin's First Race of the Year

Yesterday morning, Collin and I went to his first race of the season...a 1K race benefiting the local woman's center.  The adults were scheduled to run at 8am and then the kids at 8:30am.  Because the race started right outside my office, I thought it would be fun for Collin and I to get there before the adults started to watch from the 19th floor (my office floor) so he could see the Start and Finish line and watch the runners. 

Collin loved the idea of going to my office first.  He liked looking out the window at all of the vendor tents and asked what they were there for.  We hung out and watched the adults line up and then start running later when it was time.  Then, we went to the restroom before heading out so Collin could line up and get ready. We walked through the vendor tents before heading to the Start line.  He saw all of the free food and I told him that this was one of the reasons people liked to race.  He saw the donuts and really wanted one.  I mentioned that he was about to race but he could have one if he thought it would not slow him down.  Of course, he still wanted one. 

Eating his donut

He ate the donut as we walked to the Start line and asking lots of questions:  "How long will I have to run?  Will you be running with me?  Will there be other 6 year olds in the race?  Will people be watching me?"

While waiting for the race to start, there was a guy dressed up as Flash Gordon leading a warm-up session for the kids.  Collin was not interested in doing this which was not surprising.  He wanted to know when the race would start.  I told him to pick a spot to line up and wait for the announcer to start the race.  He picked right up front.  Good choice Collin!!  While waiting, we took a few pictures.

Would have been a really good picture if the guy in the back had not walked by.  :)

I love his smirk on his face.  What is he up to?

He is lined up on the left side.  Great spot!
With Flash Gordon
He was ready for the race to start but decided he wanted me to run with him.  I thought he might ask so I did at least wear my running shoes.  While waiting for the race gun, I told Collin that he needed to run faster than Flash.  Flash heard this and got into race did Collin. 

The race gun was shot, I looked back over and Collin was WAY in front.  He took off fast!!!  I ran as fast as I could and only caught up to him when he slowed down and said his tummy hurt.  I said it was probably because of the donut and maybe he started running too fast.  He continued to run but MUCH slower than he did...but still faster than most of the other kids.  We rounded the corner, I told him the finish line was right in front of us and he started to run faster.  It was fun to run across the finish line with him.

See?  Told you not many other kids were around him.

Roundin the curve and headed to the finish line

When we crossed the finish line, all of the kids got a huge medal.  Collin really liked having this because he knew that I had some like this. 

See that couple kissing in the background?  He asked why they were doing that after the race.  I said that he looked happy for her and maybe this was her first race.  He was not really listening to this explanation because another lady had crossed the finish line and was spitting on the ground.  He wanted to know what she was doing.  I said that she did not feel good and was throwing up.  With that explanation, he wanted to keep watching.  "Why is her spit pink with stuff in it?"  Um....OK, you are getting to too much detail.  At this point, I was already next to her giving her my water and looking for a Aid.  Later, Collin wanted to know why I was helping a stranger.  I said that she was feeling sick and needed someone's help.  Because her mommy and friends were not here, I thought I would be nice and help her.  He was good with this response.

We spent some time walking around to the different vendors checking out what they had.  Collin did want another donut, which he got, and then more water.  He spent the rest of the time in an inflatable play house playing with other kids and having a great time.  We were not in a rush so I hung out and watched him have fun. 

Later he wanted to know when he could race again.  He was excited to know that his next race was next month.  I found one in April too.  I'm glad he his enjoying this.

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