Sunday, December 29, 2013

"You Sunk My Battleship"

Collin's cousins Ben, Will and Hollis were in town for the weekend starting from Friday until Sunday.  It's been at least 6 months since we saw them last. Collin was SOOO excited about them arriving.  "How many more minutes until they are here?"  He did not understand that it takes at least 4 1/2 hours to drive to our house so he asked me "How much longer?" every 10 minutes or so.  I decided to set the timer on the oven so he could see it counting down.  He took one of the kitchen stools and sat right in front of the oven so he could see the timer working.  I was so thankful that the cousins arrived a little early so I did not have to explain where they were when the timer buzzed and they possibly were not at our house yet. 

Everyone was so excited about seeing each other that we stayed up until close to midnight.  The older boys slept on the bunk beds and Hollis and Collin slept in his room on his trundle bed.  It was the first time we actually used both of the beds next to each other.  Collin did not know his bed did that and thought it was fun.  I could hear the two little ones talking in the room and having fun....making memories so I did not stop them.

The next morning, after having pancakes or peanut butter, chocolate chip scones I made with my new Vitamix blender, we thought it would be fun to see the Battleship Texas.  I have seen it but did not realize that Daddy had not seen it.  What?  We definitely had to go then.  Hollis went with us and Collin rode in the other car with the other boys. 

When we arrived, we explained that the large ship was used in battles.  Collin wanted to see a battle and was upset when we explained that there would not be a battle or a fight.  "I want to see a battle", "When can I see the battle?" or "Will there be a battle later?"  He just did not understand that there was not going to be a battle at all.

Once on the boat, the kids liked the guns the most and then climbing up or down all of the stairs.  We were fine with the stairs until we where on the third level and WAY up in the air.  Collin and Hollis were getting really close to the sides and the rails.  It was making Daddy REALLY nervous.  We were surprised when we got off the boat and looked at the time.  The hour just flew by.

After having lunch on the way home, the kids swam our pool that we heated.  They had a blast!!!!  I thought for sure this would have worn the kids out....nope!  They still stayed up until after 11pm. 

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