Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Florida Trip - Day 3

Yesterday, all of us went to breakfast at the Donut Hole which is a local breakfast place.  Collin was a little hungry because he had 14 donut holes (yes, 14!) and several large bites of my pancakes.  After breakfast, we all headed out for some shopping in the next few local towns and a new beach to look for shells.  Our beach is beautiful...but there are not that many shells and the kids really want to find some. 

After a few hours of shopping and stopping for lunch, we did finally make it to a new beach area.  The crew that we are with have been here before and new there were lots more shells for the kids to pick.  They were right!  Collin went crazy picking up shells.  Instead of picking up every shell he could find, he did seem to have a system of picking up certain ones.  I was not sure what that system was but he did pass over a lot of them.  He found half sand dollars, spotted clams and scallops.  We searched for shells for about 30 minutes....just long enough to fill up one of Mommy and one of Daddy's hands with shells.

He found just the right one

So many shells to choose from

I could not resist taking this picture.   What a cute little footprint!
We came back to take a late nap, then dinner and games.  The last two nights, we have all gathered around the dinning room table to play games.  It's a lot of fun and Collin enjoys hanging out with all of us instead of having to go to bed. 

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