Sunday, November 20, 2011

Collin's First Race

Saturday, Collin and I met some friends to run in the annual Turkey Trot through the trees.  In the prior years, Collin has wanted to walk this with his friends.  I only assumed, incorrectly, that he would walk with his friends this year.  I was so far from being right.  Not only did he run, he ran the entire mile.  He only stopped to get a quick drink or to catch his breath.  Otherwise, he was running.  He was very efficient and had a good-looking stride.  I was SOOO proud of him!  After he crossed the finish line, he headed back to the park to play which is what we did for an hour and a half before the race.  The boy should have been worn out but was not.  Not sure where he got the energy from because he did not eat a big breakfast.
Collin and Matthew on the Jungle Gym before the race

Collin warming up before the race

1 comment:

Maria said...

I had a hard time explaining to Matthew why it was okay for Collin to run away from his mother in the street. I need to mentally prepare him for this next time :)