Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Not Cool Mommy"

During the summer, Collin does not have to wear a uniform to school.  He can pick out whatever he wants to wear.  In the beginning of the summer, I liked it because he REALLY was getting tired of his uniform shirts and wanted to wear his Spiderman shirt (he has 5 of them).  He could not wear these during the school year but now has worn these shirts probably 3 times a week.  I was trying to mix it up a little and get him to wear a different shirt the other morning.  I pulled out a few to show to him and he said "That one is not cool".  Huh?  Not cool.  I asked why it was not cool and he said "It's a baby shirt because it has an animal on it" (it had a dinosaur on it).  I am sure this is school influence.  I then picked out another shirt that did not have an animal on it.  "That one is not cool".  OK...what's wrong with this one.  "It does not have a guy on it".  I did eventually give up and let him wear a shirt with Iron Man on it.  He was happy with this choice...and so was I because we needed to get moving. 

Later that night, it was time to pick out books but Collin was really slow to pick them out.  No change here because he still uses every maneuver or delay tactic he can to not have to go to bed.  I started to pick some books out for him.  "That one is for babies" or "That one is not cool".  All right, I had heard these responses before.  He got frustrated with my picks and did pick out three acceptable books.

Since I am on the subject of clothes and Collin being particular, he
  • does not like to wear any type of sandal.  Not sure why...he does not give a reason
  • does not like to wear socks with his shoes
  • does finally wear shoes that don't have to light up on the bottom.  He had a pair of Toy Story shoes that lit up when he walked.  These almost fell apart before we could get him to wear an new pair.   The new pair was only different because it had Spiderman on it and these also lit up.  His current pair does not have any characters on them at all.  I was surprised he wanted these and continues to wear them.
  • still wears his flannel PJs at night and gets really frustrated when they are not clean for him to wear
  • is proud to be wearing his new big boy underwear.  Thank goodness he is not particular about which ones he has to wear every day.
  • prefers Spiderman shirts or his new Cars shirt over any other type of shirt
  • does not want to wear a swim shirt for splash day at school....or any time he wears his swim shorts

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