Saturday, July 2, 2011

Movie and Swimming

This morning, I took Collin to see Cars 2 at the movie theater.  We met a coworker of mine and her 3 year old nephew, Kyle.  The boys did not talk to each other in the beginning but got along great really quickly.  I bought Collin a kids pack to eat during the movie.  It consisted of a little bit of popcorn, Laffy Taffy and a  Diet Coke.  He did not like the popcorn or or taffy and drank a little of the coke.  That meant more popcorn for me which I did not end up eating anyway.  Collin did great during the movie.  Besides leaving twice for him to go potty (he wants to go in the stall by himself now most of the time), he sat on the edge of his seat watching the movie the entire time.  He commented throughout the movie at what he saw but it was not loud enough to disturb the other patrons.  Kyle ended up having to leave because he through a tantrum.  Collin was convinced that he was in the bathroom the entire time and said, "It's taking him a long time".  We had to go into the bathroom after the movie was over for me to show him that Kyle was not in there.

On the carousel while waiting for the movie to start.  Notice that he is wearing his Cars shirt.
We met Daddy at home and then left to the lake for Mommy and Daddy to practice swimming in a lake.  We took turns watching Collin who played in the dry sand, the sand in the water and then played a game of throwing his water shoes in the water, getting them and then throwing them in again.  We were there over 2 hours.  He did great the entire time.  Daddy swam over 300 meters and I swam over 500 meters.  I have two races coming up:  July 10 and 17.  The first one involves a 300 meter swim and the next one involves at 500 meter I was practicing for that last race.  The swim felts OK but MUCH better than the 600 meter swim in my last race a month ago.  This time, I did swim in more of a straight line, did not have to swim on my back at all and did not feel like I was going to drown.  Phew!

Collin slept all the way home which he needed because he had not had a nap yet.  However, he did not go to sleep until close to 10pm.  I hope he sleeps in a little tomorrow....oh wait...I will be riding my bike by them so I guess it does not really matter to me.  :)

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