Monday, September 6, 2010

Collin Sayings

We continue to get comments from people about how well Collin talks and enunciates his words. He is able to communicate what's on his mind (we are still working on volume and emotion behind it....especially when he is giving us orders), what he wants or what he is doing. There are still some phrases/words he gets mixed up on but he is getting better and I can tell that he is practicing. For example, everyone is a "he" or "him" no matter if they are male or female. From what I understand, this is normal for toddlers. They use the pronoun for their gender. When we hear him do this, we let him know the correct gender of the person he is referring to. This morning on the way out the door, he was talking about me and telling Daddy that "he....she is coming with us". He corrected himself as soon as he said "he".

Sometimes, it does take a few times of me hearing what he is saying to figure out the real word or phrase that he is trying to say. My favorite right now is "last morning". Give you a guess what he really means.............yes, he does mean yesterday. I figured this out by listening to him describe what he did "last morning" and they were things/events that happened yesterday.

Last night, when I put him to bed, I heard a new one. Usually, he will let me kiss him good night, and then he tells me "sleep in the night" for sleep tight and "see you in the morning". Well, last night, at first he did not want me to kiss him and let me know that I could kiss him later. He told me all of the above and then I started to walk out the door. He called after me and said "Mommy, come here. You can kiss me on the cheek instead." OK, I will take that so I turned around and did on both cheeks. I told him that I loved him and that I would see him in the morning. He told me "see you next weekend". What?!?!?! I don't want to wait that long. I am sure that is not what he really meant.

When you ask him how old he is, he is still two. We tell him that he is three now and he says "No I am not. I need another birthday to be three." I will give you a piece of cake for you to think you are three. No more birthday parties for awhile. Mommy needs to recover first (awww...just an excuse for those of you that know me).

That's all I could think of this morning. Better get to work now. :) Yes, both Daddy and I are working on Labor Day. Collin is at Mimi's house probably having a great time. I will pick him up later.

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