Sunday, September 26, 2010

Busy Sunday with Friends

I am glad we relaxed Saturday because it sure was a busy day today: soccer practice, birthday party and friends over to have dinner and then a swim.

Collin is doing better and better in soccer practice. He pays attention more and does participate in the skills most, if not all, of the time now. He is still a little perfectionist and really concentrates on what he is doing while practicing each skill. Here is a video of him learning to dribble the ball through a course and then kick the ball to score. He does really well dribbling (not fast) and not tempted to pick up the ball.

Soccer practice did not wear him out enough. Daddy took a nap but Collin did not. He wanted to color and play with his new army men that we got him yesterday. I knew that we had a birthday party to go to and then our friends were coming over latter. Collin was going to be a MAJOR grouchy butt if he did not nap....which he did not.

He had a blast at the birthday party held at a local Gymboree. It was for a brother and sister of Daddy's personal trainer. Collin had a blast! There were a few older boys and he spent a lot of time running behind them and doing what they did. He did not want to leave went we needed to but was fine when we told him that Saige and Linden were coming over.

When Saige and Linden came over, then all went straight to Collin's playroom while the parents hung out in the kitchen. We had dinner outside and then it was time to get into the pool. After swimming for about an hour, the kids all took a bath and then it was time to go home. Collin was not ready for his buddies to leave.

I knew Collin had a great day when I was reading only the second book to him in his bed. I stopped to turn the page and then heard him snoring....loudly! The little guy has not fallen asleep during story time in a very long time....maybe before he was even one. I sat there for another 5 minutes or so listening to him snore...and enjoying every minute of it.

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