Friday, April 9, 2010

Sick but still witty

Collin has been home from school the past two days. Mimi has been awesome and watching him at his house while his parents are at work during their busy time of year. We are not sure if he is in the beginning of a regular cold or strep throat (I hope not), so we kept him home so he could rest and get better. His main symptoms are fever (as high as 102.6). When he does not have fever, you would not know he was sick.....back to his usual 2-year old antics.

This morning when I called to see how he was feeling, he did not want to talk because he was busy watching TV. The phone was on speaker so I could hear him make comments every once in awhile as Mimi gave me the update. As I was about to hang up, he did say "bye bye" and then "call again". That made my laugh and ask Mimi if I heard that right. Even though he does not feel at his best, he is still able to make us laugh.

Here are some comments Mimi noted yesterday:
  • When operating the washer/dryer, Collin stood on his stool and told me to stand 'over there' so not to be near him to help him.
  • Collin perked up both times in between naps saying 'I feel better'
  • Collin asked for medicine. I thought he meant medicine for the healing cut on his face from Frisbee in Monday's park. I giggled when he applied it to his throat after he said monkey had a sore throat.
  • My family will love this one: He told me cranberries make him fart.
  • After I came back into den with another shirt on, Collin commented 'another shirt?'
  • After picking up a small green thing on the breakfast table area floor, Collin asked 'where did this come from?' as well as other items he would ask 'what is this for?'
  • While getting vitamins with Laura, Collin noticed jelly beans and told me 'that is for later'


Maria said...

Sorry to hear Collin has a fever. It sounds a lot like Matthew last week. Dayschool called around 2PM and said he had a fever of 102. I picked him up and he had a fever off and on Friday and Saturday and a little Sunday morning. Overall, he acted very normal.

Angy said...

I love the cranberry comment!!! :-)