Sunday, April 11, 2010

On a Squirrel Hunt

Collin is fascinated with squirrels ever since he saw one in his backyard. This morning, we went on a squirrel hunt in the nature sanctuary by our house. After a hour and a half, we did not see any squirrels, but we did see lots of turtles, frogs, birds, sticks and rocks. When we first entered the sanctuary, he picked up a stick and started shooting me with it. As I have mentioned in other posts, he can turn anything into a play gun and start shooting me with it. This time he was thoughtful and gave me a stick to shoot him with. I had to smile at that.

The first pond we came to had a HUGE frog sitting on a log. Here Collin is showing me where the frog is. He wanted to stand there until the frog jumped....which it did eventually do.

We then took of skipping along the trail. Every time we come to a section of the trail that has a choice of going one direction or the other, I ask Collin which way he wants to go. I explain that we have a choice and he can pick which way we are going next. We made it to the other side of the pond and spent most of our time there. We found another frog that was the biggest one I can ever remember seeing. Instead of jumping, this one sat there the entire time we were there.

While we were sitting there checking out the frog, I spotted one turtle swimming towards us...then two.....and eventually four turtles where swimming right below were we were sitting. Collin loved counting all of them and watching where they were going. He told them to "sit on the log over there" and was frustrated that they would not listen (hmmmm.....he never does that do me....hahaha). I told him we need to wait and they might eventually need to get out of the water to dry off. Two of them did. The other two swam off.

He still remembered we needed to find squirrels, so we took off down the nearest path. No squirrels were ever found though. He had fun skipping and running down the path when it was wide, sitting on the rail along the bridge ("I need a rest Mommy") or carrying our water bottle. At one point, he asked if he could pee in the woods. He remembered the time he did it two weekends ago after he finished Easter egg hunting. I assumed he did have to go, so we found a secluded spot.....and he DID have to go. He made sure to tell Mimi that he did this when he saw her.

I love these times we spend together.

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