Friday, March 12, 2010

Mimi and Collin

Mimi has been helping me this week with Collin while Daddy has been in DC. She was sharing with me yesterday some of the things Collin did. Here is what she said:

When I went into Collin's room this morning, he was sitting in his bed putting a cover on Monkey that laying on his pillow. Collin said Monkey was not feeling well and needed medicine. I asked what was the matter. Collin said it was Monkey's throat. Just in case Collin was feeling bad, too, I asked if his throat was hurting and he said no.

Later that afternoon when I picked him up from his school, I commented how the wind was blowing the leaves on the parking lot area. Collin said the wind was blowing his snack bag that was on his arm (he insists on carry his bag in and out of school). Collin threw it as if it were the wind doing it. In the car with Mommy on the phone, Collin said his snack bag was in the street, then at school and other places when Mommy asked about the bag. When I asked in between each of the answers, he said it was in the car and laughed. He likes to joke and fits in well with the rest of the family.

I loved the Monkey story because he does take care of Monkey like we take care of him. Monkey has had waffles to eat, had his teeth brushed, and does need to rock before going to bed sometimes. Thank goodness Monkey had not had to potty or need a bath with Collin. Anyway, Collin has told me before that Monkey's tummy hurt. When I asked more questions, I did find out that Collin's tummy was hurting. At least he is letting us know somehow about how he feels at the moment.

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