Monday, March 22, 2010


Like his Daddy, Collin does not usually like leftovers unless it's a bread product. Tonight sure did surprise me then when he ate mainly leftovers. We went to the park after Daddy dropped him off at home. I was hoping this would burn some energy and he would want to go to bed earlier. His bedtime in the last week or so has pushed until past 1opm most nights which was killing me. I tried everything and was determined today that he would go to bed earlier.

After the park, I asked him what he wanted to eat. He said a hot dog. He had one yesterday for lunch but I was not going to argue tonight. While I was heating up the hot dog, Collin was eating his cantaloupe and grapes leftover from his school snack today. He ate most of the hot dog and noticed the leftover Pop Tart in the frig from breakfast this morning so he asked for it and then ate it. He then saw the applesauce that was leftover from Friday or Saturday, I forget. He ate all of that. He wanted a bite of my leftover lasagna but decided against it when I put it to his mouth. He drank the leftover milk in a glass from this morning (it was in the frig too). He asked for strawberries, which I did cut up some for him, but he was getting full. It was about time!!!

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