Monday, December 14, 2009

Santa is SCARY!!! Snakes....Nope!!

Yesterday, Collin and I went to the bird sanctuary across the street because they were having a family holiday party that caters to little kids. Plus, I knew Santa was going to be there. Before we went, I told Collin we were going to see Santa. He keep repeating "going to see Santa" for the hour before we left so I assumed he was excited about this.

After lunch, we walked over to the sanctuary and stood in line to take a picture with Santa. It was at this point that Collin decided Santa was not as friendly looking as he was in the books we have been reading. I asked if he wanted to sit on Santa's lap and he told me "no, Mommy". Fortunately, there was a little boy Collin's age right before us that did sit on Santa's lap. Collin saw this and did not seem afraid of Santa anymore. When it was our turn, Collin became a "cling-on" and grabbed my shirt so hard because he did NOT want to sit on Santa or near him. I tried sitting with Collin in front of Santa and that did not work either. Instead of pushing it, I got up and we went outside to work on the arts and crafts they had set up.

Collin had fun coloring paper plates that were supposed to be cut to make a bird (we are at the sanctuary, remember). He then noticed some animals in cages and wanted to see what was inside. Two ladies were standing by the cages with snakes in their hands. Collin wanted to touch and hold on these snakes. His favorite was the black one named Midnight. He said "tongue" when the snake spit out his tongue to sense around him.

So....Collin did not want to sit on the scary man's lap like the other kids but had no issues with petting and holding a snake that NONE of the other kids would touch. Hmmmmm.......toddlers, right?

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