Monday, December 7, 2009

I Flushed It!!!

We have not figured out how to put the toilet lock on the toilet in Collin's bathroom......and he has noticed. The first night, he flushed the toilet a few times and had a big smile on his face after he did it. I did not think anything of it at the moment. I noticed later that day that the trash can beside the toilet was empty that had a few things in it just a few hours before. Thinking it was possible that Collin did flush some of those items in the toilet, I move the trash can to under the bathroom sink. The next day, Collin ran from the laundry room (which really should be named his room since that is where he spends most of his time when he is at home) to his bathroom and then came back out of the room letting me know "I flushed it!, I flushed it!". I asked him what he flushed and he told me "A piece of paper. Come see Mommy." The toilet just finished flushing when I walked in. I did not see anything in the bowl but I am sure that Collin was telling me what happened.

Apparently, we need the lock on the toilet....or remember to shut the door. That will not really work though since he knows how to open it.

1 comment:

The Karg Family said...

Hi Laura- Sorry to leave this here but I lost all of my email addresses. Can you send me your new home address and email again. Thanks. :}