Friday, June 26, 2009

Best Buddies

Collin is getting used to seeing his buddies during our vacation. When we get in the car or put him in the stroller, he typically says one of three words: water, Saige (she is 20 mths old) or Ethan (8 years old). These are our friend's kids that we went on vacation with. Collin and Saige are fun to watch play with each other. Just like buddies, they do get jealous of what the other one is playing with and fight to take it away from one another. Sippie cups are not excluded from this list. If either one is thirsty, the go for the other one's sippie cup. Two of every toy does not matter because either Saige or Collin will want to play with the other person's toy. They end up compromising or finding something else to play with....and remain buddies at the end of the day.

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