Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesdays With Daddy Feb. 24th

Collin woke up ready for action today. We played real hard and he then took a nap. We got going again and I thought he was worn out but he was still ready to go so we played some more. Collin is rerally into sweeping the floor these days and no matter where we are if there is a broom he wants to sweep. So he swept a lot today. Collin ended the day with a 3 hour nap.

SO to sum it all up He awoke, he played, he ate, he slept, he played, he swept, he slept and then he ate and now he is sleeping. This pretty much sums up a full day with Daddy.

Oh yeah he said "UH OH" about 500 times. I can not wait until he learns more words!!!!!

1 comment:

Maria said...

Uh oh. Uh oh. Uh oh. All Matthew says is Da da, La La and Uh Oh. He says uh oh after throwing stuff on the ground.