Saturday, February 28, 2009

Grandma H is here!!!

Grandma H arrived Friday and it's been non-stop fun. We picked her up from the airport and headed to daddy's work to eat lunch with him. I did not care if we ate or not at the moment because I was taking my morning nap finally. Well, they woke me up anyway. Glad they did because I got to eat french fries. Grandma H showed me how to dip the fries in ketchup. My parents were shocked because I don't usually like my food to touch anything else nor do I like anything sauces, condiments or toppings on my food. After the initial shocking taste wore off, I wanted more! Why did I take so long to realize that ketchup and fries are meant to be together?

After lunch, we drove around a little and then went back home. We all took a nap this time. Here I am chilling with Grandma H and waiting for daddy to get home.

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