Sunday, January 6, 2008

Rice Cereal...Yuck!!

Collin is not too fond of eating from a spoon anymore....especially when daddy is watching TV which Collin loves to watch. He gets about 3 half-spoonfuls down and then he is done with the cereal. When we first started feeding him cereal about 2 weeks ago, he was really interested in it and even opened his mouth for each spoonful. I stopped giving him cereal for 3 days after I noticed that his cheeks were really red. He had not had this before and I could not think of a reason why he would now other than he might be allergic to the cereal. So, to test this theory, I stopped the cereal and his cheeks were not red anymore after one day. He also stopped sleeping through the night....yep, he did start sleeping at least 7 hours at night about two days after he first started to eat the cereal.

Since he has not had red cheeks, I thought I would test the allergic theory tonight by giving him cereal again at his 7:30pm feeding. Please cross your fingers that the red cheeks were from something and I sure did enjoy the nights Collin slept more than 3 hours before waking up.

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