Thursday, January 10, 2008

More Carrots, Please!

I learned tonight that Collin prefers carrots over rice cereal. He could not get enough of the carrots tonight. I started with cereal and he would make a face but still eat some of it. I then gave him a spoonful of carrots and he liked the spoon clean...that's because some of it fell t his chin. I then tried to give him some cereal and he slapped the spoon out of my hand. I got the bright idea of mixing the two together and he ate this but he was not as interested in the mixture as much as just the carrots. Towards the end of his meal, which took about 20 minutes, he was bathed in carrots. This is because he would stick his fingers in his mouth as I was getting another spoonful of food ready for him. At first, I was trying to keep him clean but decided quickly that this was a waste of time. I let him go for it. You can see that he made a mess but did have fun doing it. Just look at that smile.

OHHHH, drum roll please......he slept through the night last night. He went to bed around 10pm, woke up at 4am, put himself back to sleep and then did not wake up again until around 6:30am. Big boy, Collin!!!

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