Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Pacers Losing Streak

The Pacers continue to lose sometimes only scoring single-digit point during a game.  However, the last two games, Collin has really improved. He got multiple rebounds and even took the ball from one side of the court to the other. Several of the times on the opposing side, he blocked the ball from one of the taller kids on the team.  He scored twice; once during each game.  He also drew out several technical fouls which we thought was great as well because it showed him being aggressive and really getting in there to try to get the ball. We told him how proud we were of him and noticed him stepping up during the game.  He listened but said that it was because Cullen was not at the game so he was able to step in to his place and we noticed our son moore because Cullen was not there taking the ball as much. Whatever the reason, it’s nice to see Collin get his head into the game and show what he really is capable of.

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