Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Weekend

We had a great time this past weekend.  I started Saturday morning with a local10K race.  Dad and Collin were to meet me at the finish line but, I was running at faster pace (finished in 1:02 hr which is fast for me these days), that they missed me by 5 minutes.  It was nice to see them so soon after the race though.  Collin especially liked that he got a bagel egg sandwich while on the way to see me.

After relaxing a little, Collin and I took the silver bullet convertible out for a ride and to run some errands.  I let him pick lunch and he choose CiCi's pizza.  That kid can put away some cinnamon rolls.  He did have some pizza in between the rolls but I was not sure he was going to stop.  Knowing he would work it off later in the day, I was not too worried about him over doing it.  We then walked to the book store next door to look for a few books on my list.  One was Wonder by AJ Palacio which is about August Pullman was born with a facial difference that, up until now, has prevented him from going to a mainstream school. Starting 5th grade at Beecher Prep, he wants nothing more than to be treated as an ordinary kid--but his new classmates can't get past Auggie's extraordinary face.  I thought Collin might like this book, especially if I read it to him, because the boy is 10 years old has a best friend with the same name as Collin's Dad and August is Collin's birth month.  (Later that day, I did sit outside with him and read 17 pages...he wanted me to keep reading because he was enjoying the book).  Collin helped me find some of the other books by looking for them in alphabetical order. 

Later that day, we had our annual Easter Egg hunt and block party.  There were 25 kids this time, the most we ever have had, hunting for eggs in 4 of our yards.  I was surprised Collin wanted to hunt eggs still but it was because 20 of the eggs had money in them.  He was only focused on finding these and did end up finding eggs with a total of $6 in them.  He was really excited about that.  After the hunt, for over 3 hours, the kids played kickball, jumped on the trampoline or played outside while the parents talked and had the potluck dinner of hamburgers, hot dogs and sides.  It was a really good time getting to know some of the neighbors around the corner from our street better and be outside to enjoy the weather.  I love that we have such great neighbors and live on a cul-de-sac so we are able to do this.
My favorite picture of the day.  He is getting old too fast!  He loves his hair long because he likes the way it looks on his fast.

Hanging out after the egg hunt

He is not happy here because he has not found any money yet

Collin in action looking for the money eggs
The kids ready to start looking for some eggs
Sunday, Dad and Collin went riding on the trails with friends while I worked a little (tax deadline coming up).  We then met my side of the family for lunch before going back to the cousins house to play for several hours.  The kids had a great time playing outside in the front yard with the plastic baseball and bat or riding bikes before heading to the backyard to dig and play on the dirt pile for over 2 hours.  It was a really nice day to be outside so several of the adults sat outside to watch the kids and visit.
Great family picture in the front yard

Notice Pappy helping to keep Ty in the picture?

 I knew this boy would not make it awake long in the car ride home.  He actually fell asleep on the way there too.

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