Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hiking in the Woods

I love that we live so close to a bird sanctuary that has multiple trails leading through the 150 acres of the sanctuary.  Burke and I go there for a quick walk.  Collin, Burke and I went for a 45 minute walk the other day because we just needed out of the house.  The plan was to show Collin where Burke and I walked previously but Collin had other plans.  He wanted to walk near the water and....then eventually got in.  I was shocked to see that Burke got in the water too.  He HATES to get in the pool water other than to get a quick drink.  This time, he walked around the water until it was up to his chest.  The boys (Burke is a boy too) enjoyed walked around in the water and keeping Burke in there as long as he could. 

We then got back on the trail to head to the zip line to see if it was unlocked.  Collin was excited to see that it was because he wanted to give it a try.  I pulled the zip line T-post back up to where he was to give it a try.  Guess he should have prepared for the landing better by putting both legs up ... because he crashed into the post at the end.  Ouch!  He was not interested in trying that again.

We then walked around for another 30 minutes looking for critters...and more water for the boys to play in.  We found both!  There was a lot more water but I discouraged them from getting in so we could keep walking around and because I had to be mindful of the time.  We had baseball practice to get to. 

During some of this time, Collin had my phone to take some pictures.  I think he did a fabulous job.  Look at the things he was interested in and how well he took the pictures:

One of my favorite bridges in the area.  I stopped here the other day to read a few pages in a book.

Very interesting moss on a log

Look how this tree's branches grew.  Not sure what kind of tree this is.

A turtle greeted us on one of the bridges

It's me!  Shows was a beautiful day it was to go for a hike.
I love these times with Collin listening to him talk or ask questions.  At one point, he asked me why we cannot call him Caden instead of Collin.  We have had this conversation before.  He thinks he looks like a Caden and likes that name better.  I am sure lots of kids go through this.  I did not particularly like my name either when I was young because I did not know another Laura.  People would always mispronounce it.  Really?  I thought it was simple.  Maybe Collin is going through the same thing.  I humor him and let him keep talking about it.  He does eventually change the subject.

Here are some additional pictures from our fun morning:

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