Sunday, October 23, 2016

Irish for the Win!

First play of the game.  Let's go Irish!!!
Backs of the 3rd grade boys on the team
The Irish won their early morning Saturday game with a score of 33 - 0.  Collin did fantastic with several plays and was really focused during the game.  Twice, he tackled and pushed the guy on the other team carrying the ball out of bounds.  That helped keep the team from scoring.  He did get the ball three times but got tackled, ....hard, each time. 

The big difference probably was that the boys watched their films from the previous game to see what the did right and how they can improve.  I bet they will be watching films again to get ready for the next game.

3rd grade boys on the team.  These guys did great!!!

Coach Hanlen discussing how well the boys did and thinks they should watch the plays as a review to get ready for the next game.

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