Saturday, May 21, 2016

Soccer Tournament Weekend - Day 1

Today was Day 1 of the soccer tournament.  The boys had a game at 9am and then again at 11am.  The weather was not too bad for late May especially because there was not a chance of rain in the forecast, finally.  The boys had not practiced together in about 2 weeks because of the rain and baseball playoff games.  I was interested to see how they would do.  For the first game, I could tell they had not quite woken up yet and needed a warm up before the game, which they did not get.  They played hard but did not call out to each other and followed the ball around instead of playing their positions.  In the end, the lost the first game 0 - 5 and the second game 0 - 7.

Close to the goal so Collin tried to get the ball out of there
Going after the ball
Way to take possession of the ball

Collin played more aggressive the second game and kept getting in the middle and getting the ball
Collin in the middle of the action
Get the ball Collin!

Coach letting the boys know they need to play together as a team

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