Friday, April 29, 2016

Bike Brigade

I am so proud of Dad and Collin with what they have done with getting kids in the neighborhood to ride bikes to school daily.  Kids that had not been riding a bike before, want to learn to ride a bike so they could ride to school with the other kids.  Multiple kids HAVE learned to ride their bike and are doing great during the ride to and from school. It's a "thing" now for the kids to carry their bike helmet clipped to the back of their backpack so the other kids know they ride their bikes.  After less than 4 months of the Bike Brigade, the school has had to add 3 new bike racks because there are that many kids riding bikes to school.  Dad started with our neighborhood.  The word quickly got out and other neighborhoods wanted to be included.  Now, there are six neighborhoods that are riding regularly to school.  I LOVE seeing the bikes locked up at the bike racks when driving by the school or being a part of the ride on the way to or from school.  The kids are learning great skills that they can use the rest of their life.

Collin loves being a part of the brigade and riding up from to help Dad out with directing the rest of the riders.  I wonder if he really knows how cool this is and what Dad has done for the community.

Collin on his new bike to the right about to lead out the new group
Dad and the bike brigade
Dad is giving the group instructions and letting them know how to call out and ride on the road 

Adding a new group to the pack

A small group on a cloudy, cold morning
The latest group to be added to the bike brigade

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