Saturday, February 6, 2016

After School Bike Ride

Collin and I had so much fun after school Friday.  Now that he is back in his newly built school which is closer to the house, he rides his bike to and from school every day.  During the week, he will ride with Dad and a few of his friends.  On Fridays, he rides with the entire neighborhood that comes out for the Bike Brigade.  Depending on the weather, there have been more than 25 kids that have shown up for this.  Dad is usually in charge of leading the Brigade but he was at another school volunteering and could not be back in time to get Collin.  I met Collin and lead the riders back to the neighborhood.

Instead of Collin and I going home, we kept riding and got on the trails in the back of our neighborhood.  It had not rained in awhile so I knew the trails should be dry.  I wanted to have Collin practice riding in different terrain and to not be on the iPad or play video games when we got home. We had a blast!  Collin lead the way on the different trails.  At one point, he wanted to ride in the grass to find mud.  I knew this was going to be difficult because he there had not been any rain in weeks.  Would you believe the kid found a patch that was still slightly soft?  We spent over an hour exploring before we had to get back home to get a snack before heading to drum practice.

Here he is riding down one of the dirt trails.  He is being a little cautious because of the gravel and tree roots.  I love his request at the end to put this video on YouTube.

Here are some pictures of him posing and playing in the mud spot.  He would change into a different pose and then tell me, "take a picture of this".  It was like he was in a photo shoot.

He thought Dad would like this one because he was sitting on the bike
Here is his action shot of him falling off...but he really laid the bike down and crawled under it
He just did not want to get out of the mud circle

I love this shot because he is thinking about what his next pose will be
Here are a few pictures of the different terrain we rode on.  He was a little scared of the bridge so he walked it the first time but then road on the next one.  So proud of him at least trying it.

The concrete bridge with water on both sides.  We have seen snakes here before but no this time....yeah!
Riding in the middle of the two paths.
We had so much fun.  I am sure we will be doing this again soon.

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