Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Wolf Can be a Mystery Reader

Collin really has a cool Dad which he already knows.  Now, after being the Mystery Reader at school Friday, the rest of his class and the teacher probably think so too.

Dad showed up dressed as a wolf and read The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs book.

The kids thought this was hilarious because he was 1) dressed up, 2) scratched and acted like he had fleas, 3) acted out some of the pages pretending he was the wolf and 4) had a hard time turning the pages because of the wolf gloves on his hands.  Collin loved having his Dad there reading to the class.  Apparently, the kids guessed who was reading to them after the first clue which was "He drives a Jeep".  Well, duh, everyone knows that!
Here are some pictures and a video the teacher took without the Wolf knowing.  Now, how am I going to follow that?  Thank goodness, I have a few weeks to think about it.

Wolf acting out a part in the book. Possibly talking about the Wolf sneezing which is why he blew the straw house down.

Collin is on the left in blue shirt pointing to the Wolf

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