Sunday, September 27, 2015

Baby Tooth #6 is Out....Of....Here!

Collin finally let Dad pull baby tooth #6 Saturday night.  This one was on the bottom left if you are facing Collin.  The other tooth popped through his gums which really made the tooth loose.  Collin bravely let Dad pull his tooth which was a first for Dad to do because the dentist or the teacher's aide pulled the other five.

Earlier in the day, Collin had told Dad that he could lend him $121 if he ever needed it from his savings.  "And, when I loose my tooth, I can lone you $123" because he just knew the Tooth Fairy was going to bring him a $2 bill.

Well, the Tooth Fairy DID bring him $2 the next morning.  He asked several times if I or Dad were the Tooth Fairy.  I was able to dodge the question and re-direct every tine but....he is going to figure it out soon.  Fine with us.  He has, what, nine more teeth to loose?  That will save us some money if the Tooth Fairy does not have to come anymore.  :)

Here he is having fun pushing a straw through the hole from his missing tooth.

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