Tuesday, December 16, 2014

More Running

Like last Sunday, Collin was signed up for another run, the Jingle Bell Run. There was a Kid's 1K, a 5mi run and a family 5K walk/run.  Unlike last time, I did sign up for the 5 mi run and planned to not run with Collin.  He did not find this out until we were on our way to the run.  He was excited to run again but wanted me to be there with him.  I explained that I could not run with him and then have the energy to run again when it was my turn. He said he was not going to run.  Dad and I agreed that this was his choice.  We were not going to push him to run if he did not want to. 

When we arrived and he saw all of the other kids there, he did eventually change his mind and wanted to run. He did not want to run with the bells on his shoes (hence the Jingle Bell run) but he said he did want to run.  He did want me to line up at the Start Line with him and stand there before the race started.  He kept asking when it was time for the race to start.  I said that the guy had to make a few announcements and then he would say that it was time for the race to start.  While waiting, he stood there and looked ahead not saying much. 

Smiling and ready to run
When the gun went off to start the race, Collin took off and forgot all about me not running with him.  He started towards the front and was at least 50 to 100 kids back from the front of the pack.  By the time he finished, he was in the top 20.  He did GREAT!  He saw me but wanted to sit down.  He was not even interested in wearing the medal he received when he finished.  That's when I knew that he was tired because he just finished running as hard has he could. 

Great form while running

Seeing an end in sight.  Ready to be finished.

This is what I got when I asked him to show me his medal.
Next, it was my turn to run.  I was a little nervous about the run because 1) it was warm and 2) the course included "hills" (under overpasses along the route).  I knew I could run the distance because I had just ran 6.7 miles last weekend and felt OK afterwards.  The other difference this time was that my family would be there waiting at the finish line for me.....and they sure were there smiling and excited to see me at the finish line.  Collin walked up to me and handed me water because "I needed water after my race so I knew you would want some".  He was right!

My favorite guy!

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