Saturday, July 19, 2014

Robot Museum Camp

Based on the things he brought home to show us and how much he talked about it, I think Collin really enjoyed Roving Robots camp at the museum this week.  They learned:
  • Learned what electricity does
  • The parts of an electric motor
  • Visited the Planetarium
  • Created a flashlight
  • Created a magnetic toy
  • Parts of a robot
  • Walked like a robot - He walked like this that night showing us that his arms and legs cannot bend
  • Design a t-shirt to wear Friday during the parent demonstration
  • Create a robot mask
  • Build a robot base
  • Build a robot with moving legs
Here he is explaining the flashlight he built:

Here is the invitation we received Tuesday to let us know that we needed to be at camp at 2:30pm Friday to see the robot demonstration.  Every day after that, he would remind us about Friday and wanted to know if we could still make it.  We both made sure to arrange our day so that we could make the demonstration. I would not miss it!

Finally, the day arrived.  We arrived early so we would not miss it.  Collin saw us and had a huge smile on his face.  Yeah, we got points for being there.  When it was time, we walked over to his station and listened to him demonstrate the robots he built.  One of them was supposed to help people somehow.  So, he built a "People Mover" to take people to places they wanted to go to.

He is working on the robot with moving legs and wings

He is showing us how the electronic robot works

His People Mover is behind his arm.  The water bottle holds the people.  I guess they jump out when they arrive where they want to go.  He did not explain that part.  :)

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