Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Brave Boy

When it comes to meeting new people, Collin is A LOT like me instead of Daddy.  Daddy is very outgoing and can make friends with anyone.  I, on the other hand, can meet new people but it's not natural for me.  I really have to work at it.  I am better now but was really shy as a kid....like Collin.  Once I explained this to Daddy, he understands now why Collin has a hard time asking other kid's their name or to play with them.

Our next door neighbor, Patrick, is 4 years older than Collin.  Until recently, the age difference was a big difference because Collin was not in the same school and they did not have the same interests.  Once, Collin and Daddy played a little basketball in Patrick's driveway and both of the boys got to know each other.  Collin has felt comfortable to come outside and play with Patrick when he hears him playing basketball.  He even invited Patrick over to our house to play Wii one afternoon after school.

Now, every day, Collin wants to play with Patrick.  We tell him that he can but has to knock on Patrick's door to ask if he can play.  He was really nervous at first, walked to the door, did not knock and then ran back home.  He did this one more time until he got the courage to knock.  Patrick was eating dinner and could not play.  Collin was so disappointed but we explained that he was not rejecting Collin.  He could not play because he was eating dinner.  The next time Collin went to ask if Patrick could play, he could...and did for about 20 minutes.

Today, Patrick had friends over after school to play.  They started playing basketball outside and Collin joined them.  Then, they went inside and Collin came home.  I have no idea if they did or did not invite Collin in.  I told him he could knock on the door to ask if he could play with them.  He left and quickly came back upset.  He said, "I knocked on the door and then she (Patrick's mom) opened the door.  She asked if I was OK and I said "yes" but I really meant "no".  She shut the door so I came home".  I figured out that he did not ask if he could play so she did not know he was over there to play with Patrick.  Not being there, I don't know if she did ask if he wanted to play  or not.  Later, I sent a text explaining what happened and she said she now understood what happened.

He is outside right now playing with the boys.  This is one of those lessons that is tough.  He will learn...and like it, or not, while doing so.  It's easier for me to do it for him, but I won't always be around to do things for him so he has to learn sometime.

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