Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Football Practice

Collin is enrolled in flag football this Fall.  Practice should have been last night but it was canceled because of the rain.  So it was moved to tonight.  When we told him about practice, he did not want to go and pitched a fit.  We explained how he acted the same way about baseball and soccer and he now LOVES both of these sports.  I reminded him that there would be running and throwing the football which I know he likes to do.  He STILL was not interested in going.  Daddy and I knew that he would like it if we could just get him there.

I did not go to practice because I need to rest for a client dinner tonight.  Daddy said that Collin did really well.  When they lined up to run, Collin was 4th but could have ran faster.  He was interested in looking around and playing with the other boys.

When it came time for the drills, Daddy said that Collin was focused and was naturally really good.  He even fell hard one time but got up and did more drills.  Collin said that he could run better now that his arm was hurt.  It helped him somehow.

Here he is doing some of the drills.  Looks like he is going to have a great football season.

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