Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Zoo Camp - Injury Report

When I picked Collin up from Jacob's house this afternoon, his mom gave my Collin's lunch bag, papers he colored and the yellow paper above (not sure why it turned sideways on me).  All I saw at first was Injury Report.  Collin looked fine so I was not too worried.  I read further and saw that it said "Collin was accidentaly pushed by another camper.  He was apologized to and said he felt much better".  Collin could not even tell me what happened and was not interested in the attention at the moment. Later at our house, he still did not have any details. I guess he was OK.

Yesterday, I noticed he scrapped his left knee bad enough for it to have bleed at some point in several different spots.  He did not favor his knee and said, "It hurt at first but I am better now".  He said that he fell when they were looking at the animals.  I believe that because this kid has fallen at the zoo every most of the times he has been there.  I thought he would be out of the "falling stage" by now, but I guess not.  He probably was looking at the animals and not looking where he was going.

He seems to be having a good time at the Zoo Camp.  As with the museum camp last week, he is not tired and is ready to play when we get home.  For instance, tonight, he hit the baseball Daddy threw to him for 20 minutes before wanting to ride his bike.  He was not ready to come inside but it was time to take a shower.  He was in bed by his normal time which is 9pm.

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