Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Mommy, I want a brother...and a dog!!"

Collin has recently gotten over his fear of dogs.  He does not run away or hide behind one of our legs when he sees one approach.  He is still cautious at first but does eventually go up and pet the dog. 

He recently told me on the way to Jake's house (who has 4 dogs) that "dogs are nice and gentle and I am not scared of them anymore".  Well, that was a good thing since the plan was for him to spend the night there.  When we entered the house, Collin did not run from the dogs and even bent down to pet one of them....and laughed.  I loved this sight.  When Daddy and I picked him up the next day, he asked about getting a dog.  I just looked at Daddy and rolled my eyes.  Daddy has been talking about getting a dog for a few months now.  Does he not remember that the house is being remodeled and we live in a tiny apartment right now?  He says he does...and I have pushed off the dog subject for now.  One thing at a time these days.

After picking Collin up from Jake's, we went to our house.  It was a beautiful day outside so we spent time in the front and backyard enjoying the weather.  Collin loves to throw a ball on the roof of the house and watch it roll down.  Daddy joined in and they did this for about 30 min while I laid in the front yard to watch them.  The breezy felt great and I was really enjoying it.  One of the neighbors stopped by with her three kids while out on a bike ride.  The kids wanted a break and to play.  The little boy, Oleg, was 4 and Collin enjoyed showing him around the backyard and playing with him.  After the kids had to leave, Collin asked both of us, "When am I going to get a brother AND a dog?"  Our response was soon and that we are working on it.  He does regularly ask for a brother and when is he coming to live with us.  We would love to add a little boy to our family and this will happen when it happens. 

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