Friday, August 24, 2012

Meet the Teacher!

This morning was "meet the teacher" at Collin's elementary school.  Grandma H, Daddy and I all went with Collin to meet his teacher, check out where his assigned seat is going to be for the school year, check out his classroom and meet some of his new classmates. 

When we arrived at the school, they were not ready for us to come in yet.  That's when the leg-hugging began.  Collin wanted to stick right by me holding onto my leg.  We quickly saw a friend from T-ball, Tyler, and walked over to talk to him.  I did most of the talking and hoped Collin would warm up a little before we went into his class.  He did not.

We finally were able to go in and walked down the Pre-K hall.  I pointed out Collin's name above a hook outside his classroom where he is supposed to hang his backpack before going to class.  Ms Hansen, his new teacher, was standing at the doorway.  She introduced himself to him and he was too shy to respond.  We walked in and quickly found his spot at the head of a table.  There was a list of things we were supposed to find in the classroom to get him familiar with it.  He was so quick to find everything on the list that it only lasted 10 minutes.  He then sat at his spot watching the kids come in.  He did eventually warm up and played with Sam at the back of the room with some toys.  We stayed for about 40 minutes letting him introduce himself to other new friends before we left for his last day at his Montessori school.

He does not look to happy in this picture.  I am not sure why the sad/mad face.  He usually likes to have his picture taken.  Maybe it was just too much for him to take in.

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