Monday, July 16, 2012

Healthy Collin

Collin continues to be healthy since he was sick for almost a week.  His eyes did take a few more days to get back to their normal color.  The drops really did help...but that was an experience trying to get the drops in his eyes twice a day.  He was great the first day but did not like to have them in the morning.  He is not a morning kid so, getting drops in his eyes when he was still not awake was not fun.

The challenge now has been not watching so many movies and laying around.  He thinks that he gets to watch a movie every night and sleep in the playroom.  I thought this might be an issue after he was well...but while he was sick, it worked great.  He is OK to sleep in his room again especially because he is still sleeping on the bottom bunk in the "fort".

He has seen a lot of friends over the last few days because they all missed him. He had Daddy went to an indoor trampoline park after school earlier in the week because 1) it was raining, 2) to have fun and 3) to wear him out so he would sleep good that night. It worked....and Daddy was sore from jumping for an hour.  Here is a picture from the place's website since Daddy and Collin had so much fun jumping and did not stop to take any pictures.

Saige and Linden came briefly a few times to play and he went over to their house to watch Shrek because Ethan was home from a long trip outside the state. 

We also went to see my coworker that recently had a baby.  He had a great time playing with 4 girls in the playroom. Three of the girls were my other coworkers that also came over to play and help out the new mommy.  Collin was enamored with the eight year old girl and followed her every where.  If she was thirty, so we he.  If she did not want to eat, he was not ready either.  It was too cute!  I would have thought he would have played with the five year old but he did not really want to have anything to do with her.

We also had a birthday party to go to. I have figured out that we could attend a birthday party EVERY weekend if we RSVPd to every one of them but I an not that crazy.  This time, it was Audrey's birthday that was at an indoor playground.  He and Audrey had fun running around, climbing and jumping.  I have pictures but most of them are blurry.  The two of them did not sit still long enough for me to get a good picture...but that shows how much fun they were having. 

The first few pictures are of the jumping pillow which is where the two of them spent most of their time.  Even Daddy joined in for a little bit.  One a few times did Collin go play in the other areas of the playground to either climb up high to then slide back down or to drive two of the trains around the tracks.  These trains were popular too so he had to wait too long for his turn and gave up a few times.

This noise maker was the hit of the party waiting for the cupcakes.  The noise in the room was a little much at times but the kids were having fun out doing each other.
Mommy raced Sunday morning while Daddy and Collin stayed home and rested.  They met Grandma H for breakfast where Collin ate 4 small pancakes and two eggs. He must have been hungry from not eating much the last few days.  They came home and rode bikes (both the "attached together bike" and Collin's bike) before I got home.  I did not win a medal but enjoyed the morning and learned a few things that I need to work on before the next race.

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