Saturday, May 26, 2012

End of School Year Picnic

Friday for lunch, Daddy and I met Collin at school to join the end of school year picnic.  We brought sandwiches and Collin had a sack lunch from school.  We all sat under a tree on several blankets because it was already getting hot out.  After the kids ate most of their lunch, the teach passed out popsicles.  The longer a child took to eat a popsicle, the more it melted down their hand and then entire arm.  Collin was one of these kids.  Maybe he was savoring it more than the other kids. Afterwards, the kids started playing and the parents lingered to talk to each other before cleaning up and continuing their day.  This was our last picnic at this school with Collin.  I did not want to be in a hurry so I could enjoy it with him and Daddy. 

Daddy and Collin eating their lunch and talking to friends

My sweet little boy

I had to take this picture because he is eating an apple with the skin on it.  I want to be able to show him this when he tells me next time that he does not like the skin.  Gotcha!

Being the center of attention

There goes his class, PR3, back inside

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