Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Smashing my Shoulders

I love to have my shoulders smashed by Collin.  Let me explain......

This started a few weeks ago.  I was sitting at the kitchen table and he wanted to sit behind me in the chair.  I thought that a strange request but pulled him up so he could sit behind me. He inched his way up until he was standing.  He then took my ponytail holder out (not surprised by this because he does not like my hair up in a ponytail) and then started to run his fingers through my hair.  OMG!!! Ahhh.....that was so relaxing.  I loved it.  He then told me he was going to "smash me".  I braced myself....because I was not sure what these "smashing" was going to involve.  He started to squeeze my the same time.  He would squeeze and then release, squeeze and then release.  He then did it to my biceps and forearms.  I was going to let him "smash" me anytime he wanted to.  He has done it several times since then including tonight.  He lasts less than 5 minutes but it's worth it for several reasons. 

1) He is being so lovable at the moment
2) He is not being Puppy licking me
3) We are spending quality time together
4) We are making memories
5) .....and it feels really good for the short few minutes it lasts

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