Saturday, April 9, 2011

What a Surprise!!!

Collin and I had been up for about 30 minutes this morning when Aunt Lisa called.  She said she was in the car and headed our way to bring breakfast and hang out with us for the morning.  I was so excited to hear that she was getting out of the house with the kids and headed to see us.  She brought over McDonald's pancakes and eggs.  Collin and Timmy split the pancakes, I made an egg muffin out of the eggs and Lisa had and egg taquito. 
After breakfast, the boys wanted to play outside in the sandbox.  They had fun doing that while the girls stayed inside where it was cool.  When it got quite, we looked outside to see the boys throwing all of the balls into the pool.  This happens almost every time one of Collin's friends (or cousin in this case) come over.  Of course, because we did not want them to do it, they thought it was funny and kept doing it.  They did eventually stop and started riding in the play car, the scooter and the tricycle.  We didn't care what they did as long as they were wearing themselves out enough to take a long nap. 

I enjoyed holding Leah, watching her smile and having her hold my fingers.  Collin came inside to see what I was doing and was interested in sitting by me and watching Leah.  I showed him how she could hold his finger and he really liked that.  He left the room and came back with Monkey and gave him to Leah.  He turned Monkey so that Leah could see Monkey's tag.  Lisa and I saw this and thought it was SOOO cute that Collin would share his precious Monkey with Leah.  He was fine that she and Monkey until she started to suck on Monkey's ear.  That really bothered him and he took Monkey back. 

Leah napped for about 30 minutes in Collin's crib that we have set up in the spare bedroom.  I was glad that she did that so Lisa could sit outside and enjoy the weather without having to worry about Leah.  I stayed inside so I could hear her and worked.  It's tax season so it was good that I did get to work a little while they were there and Collin was otherwise occupied.  Leah did wake up and eventually made it into her car seat to watch me work.  Collin came in and wanted to see what she was doing.  He shook the toys hanging from her car seat and she really liked that.
I hated to see them go but it was nap time for all of the kids...and probably Lisa too.  Daddy was home by now and they both took a nap while I continued to work.  This was not the way I thought the day was going to go but it did turn out to be a great day.

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