Saturday, August 28, 2010

Scooter Time!

Collin has been fascinated with scooters since he saw the neighborhood boys riding one. As you might recall from one of the posts, he watched the boys enough, that one day, when the scooter was not being used by anyone, Collin got on it and taught himself how to ride it. At first, it would not go very far but then he figured out how to work it.

So, when Mimi came over to watch him on her usual Thursday night, he was SOOOO happy to see that she brought a scooter over with her. She has had this one at her house and brought it over that night thinking Collin would like to ride it. He LOVED it and has ridden it every day. He now not only pushing off with his foot but will put the push off foot next to his other foot to ride with both feet. I taught him how to steer today and he practiced that for the rest of the day. When Daddy got home, the first thing Collin did was to show Daddy what he learned on his scooter today.

This is a brief video of him in the backyard. Like the no shoes or helmet? Shhhhh....don't tell Daddy! It's brief because he got distracted......just like a 3 year focus....or not very long.

Oh, Collin the Puppy still comes over to play. Today, he waited until the end of the day. Probably to prolong the time to start his bath. Nice try, it did not work.

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