Thursday, May 27, 2010

The American Flag, Waffles and Mickey Mouse

With Memorial day around the corner we decided to hang the American Flag this morning. Collin was a big help and he says he really likes the Flag. It is hanging on the tree out in the front yard of our house. This got quickly interupted because he had Waffles on his plate the he had to eat so he could watch Mickey Mouse.
Funny morning because he told me he did not want Cereal, NO CEREAL, with a waving finger motioning no. Usually he wakes me up and tells me it is time for cereal. Mom suggested waffles and he liked the idea. Now Mickey MOuse pretty much trumps all, Collin is like his daddy when the TV is on so he only gets to watch 30 minutes a day and he zones out on Mickey Mouse. With the on demand we can turn on Mickey pretty much anytimes so he thinks Mickey comes on whenever he asked for it.
Next we take vitamins(No fair they are gummy bears) then off to school and work.
WOW Collin just told Mickey the shapes of the rocks as Mickey asked him. Mickey thought it may have been a circle and Collin said, "No Mickey it is a Triangle", I may be biased but Collin is the smartest kid in the world.

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